Manual on Corporate Governance
In 2002, the Company adopted a Manual on Corporate Governance in order to institutionalize the rules and principles of good corporate governance in the entire organization in accordance with the Code of Corporate Governance. The Manual on Corporate Governance is revised pursuant to SEC Memorandum Circular No. 6, Series of 2009 and as amended by SEC Memorandum Circular No. 9, Series of 2014.
Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report
Board Committees
Board Committee Charters
Company Policies
The Board, thru the Audit Committee, reviews the effectiveness of the Company’s, including its subsidiaries and affiliates, risk management system with emphasis on monitoring of existing and emerging risks as well as risk mitigation measures and on identifying risks before these cause significant trouble for the business. Based on the set guidelines, directors are assigned specific subsidiaries, affiliates or business where they monitor compliance of the risk management system.